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This portal and any pages or documents within it are for your information only and are not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, the securities or instruments mentioned. The information has been obtained or derived from sources believed by Williams Jones to be reliable, but Williams Jones does not represent that it is accurate, complete, or timely, nor does it serve as an official record of your account. Please consult the statements provided by your individual custodian for more complete information. Securities prices and market values are estimates only, obtained from multiple sources, and may not reflect tradable prices. Actual prices may be more or less than indicated. Equity valuations are based on the prices that appear in this report and are therefore subject to the same limitations. Fees and charges are reflected in your trade confirmations. Your official trade confirmations and/or custodian's account statements are the official records of your account. The realized gain/loss information is provided for your convenience. This information is not a substitute for your own tax records and may not be accurate for tax reporting purposes. In particular, refer to schedule K-1's as your tax record for certain investments, such as hedge and venture funds, master limited partnerships and trusts. Please consult your tax advisor.